180 Days of Reading for Fourth Grade: Practice, Assess, Diagnose - PDF Download [Download]Author: Margot Kinberg Retail Price: $22.99
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Concepts aren't truly learned until they're put into action! The 'Practice, Assess, Diagnose' workbook 180 Days of Reading for 4th Grade provides daily opportunities for students to improve their reading fluency, as well as assessment opportunities for teachers. Offering grade-based questions tied to a reading or writing Common Core standard, activities follow weekly themes; days 1, 2, and 3 feature a short text to read and four questions to answer, while Days 4 and 5 feature a longer reading passage followed by comprehension questions and a written response. A 'score' section along the side of page shows children how they did on each question when teachers fill in either the Y or N bubble. This Grade 4 Reading workbook will help students learn to comprehend texts that they read; apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills; interpret words and phrases; assess the author's point of view; comprehend complex literature; produce clear and coherent writing; and more. Both fiction and non-fiction passages are used, allowing students to learn how to interact with different types of reading passages. The included digital resources feature a standards correlation chart; reproducible PDFs of each practice page; and directions for completing 'Item Analysis' Forms (scoring assessment files). 240 classroom-reproducible pages, softcover. Grade 4.
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